Characteristics and Features of Solana Blockchain

Indrajeet Pal
2 min readOct 17, 2023

Solana (SOL) is a cryptocurrency. It is created to work similarly and is one step ahead of ethereum. Anatoly Yakovenko developed Solana. The Solana blockchain uses the mechanism of proof-of-history consensus. Early blockchains use the proof-of-work consensus, which makes the system work slow and heavy. Let’s dive in to learn more about the characteristics and features of Solana blockchain.

Defining Solana?

Solana is similar to Ethereum and is known as “Ethereum Killer.”SOL is a form of blockchain that differs slightly from the Bitcoin network regarding technology. It is one of the fastest in terms of scalability. It uses modified cryptographic algorithms.

We can also say that Solana is a blockchain and cryptocurrency network. It is designed to host scalable decentralized applications. It is one of the fastest-growing blockchains in comparison with others.

Important Features of Solana Blockchain

Go through the Important Features of Solana Network:

  • Proof of History:

It is a type of pre-consensus clock. It enables the network to agree on the time and sequence of transactions. Proof of history provides a unique output that can be publicly verified.

  • Sealevel

Solana allows multiple smart contracts to execute at the same time. This mechanism is said to be “Sealevel.” Solana became more cost-effective and faster by utilizing this Sealevel technology.

  • Pipelining

This technology is used for moving the transaction speed. The Pipeline system employs numerous consecutive phases to process a data input stream. Each has its own dedicated hardware.

  • Cloudbreak

Solana is well known for its scalability only because of this cloudbreak technology. It is a horizontal scaling method. It can also be called an organized database.

  • Gulfstream

While using Solana, within no time, you get confirmation. Solana can now manage a memory pool of one million by using the Gulfstream system.

Characteristics of Solana

Let’s check the characteristics of Solana below:

  • Speed and Scalability: Solana is deliberately created to counter 65,000 transactions per second. It is very much faster than any other Bitcoin.
  • Archivers: Archivers are like a network of servers on Solana that the validators use to store data.
  • Smart Contracts: Solana Programs are the code that executes the commands sent inside every transaction on the blockchain. On other blockchains, they’re also known as “smart contracts.”


Solana addresses and solves many of the challenges previous blockchain technologies faced. Solana shows a new transaction verification framework and a more powerful consensus algorithm. The last step is to get a Solana blockchain development company to create a reliable, secure, and scalable platform for your business that’s ready for the future.

